Celebrate your special day by taking a trip to the ocean! Blue edible pearls is your sand, blue and white waves in the middle and the crushing of white waves drip from the top.
Select an option... Small (15 x 14cm, 15 servings) Medium (20 x 14cm, 20 servings) (+R100.00) Large (25 x 14cm, 25 servings) (+R210.00)
Select an option... Vanilla Chocolate Black Forest Red Velvet (Premium) (+20%)
Select an option... As Shown Pink (+R25.00) Yellow (+R25.00) Purple (+R25.00) Blue (+R25.00) Cream White (+R25.00)
Select an option... As Shown White (+R20.00) Pink (+R20.00) Purple (+R20.00) Blue (+R20.00) Mixed (+R20.00)
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